Monday 5 September 2011

Lesley's August favourites

I've decided that the start of every month i am going to do a review of my favourite products from the previous month. I use sooo many different products every month, some are found by accident and i use them for months and even years. While others ill be obsessed with for a month and then it goes into the back of my cupboard into Narnia. As i have so many, ill just review my top 5.

memory book, tweezers, vitamins, curl creme and Green Tea capsules

One line a day - A five year memory book 
The first of my favourite items for August is a mini diary. I bought this in Barnes and Nobles in the States while looking for a hard back notebook. I was browsing and was instantly captivated by the gorgeous turquoise colour with the gold writing. What is very peculiar about it is that it is not just any journal, you write a few lines a day, every day, for five years. When you reach the end of the book you start from the beginning again but on the next year and a new line (see picture below) It was $16.95, a bit pricey for a memory book, but i love the fact that i will have it for the next five years and it goes everywhere with me! I recommend anyone to get this if they love writing and looking back at what they've been up to.

Some of the places/events that have happened in August:

  • swimming and keeping fit
  • Nights out with my close friends
  • Movie nights
  • London Riots
  • Cabury's World in Birmingham to surprise my sister for her birthday
  • A weekend in Wales
  • Getting my first tattoo
  • My brother passing his exams
  • Notting Hill Carnival

As you can see I've been a busy bee, and I'm sure i wouldn't have remembered half of these events if i hadn't written them down!

Tweezerman Tweezers
Tweezerman in Graffiti Lavender Slant  full
I got so fed up of using blunt tweezers to pluck my eyebrows, and i seem to lose every single good pair i owned. My friends have Tweezerman tweezers and i always wanted to purchase a pair. So when i saw that BrandAlley were doing some funky Tweezerman tweezers: i decided to jump on the band wagon. Tweezerman are so good because they are SO sharp and can get resharpened for free when they're dull. Also, they don't break or snap hairs that even my good tweezers sometimes did. What i love about them are the different designs you can get. I'm not sure how much these were but i think they were around £10 - £12, compared to £19 which they are selling these for on the internet. 


Lloyds Pharmacy - Skin, Hair & Nails one a day - 30 tablets

I used to have really thick and beautiful long hair, but after my grandmother died last year it became SO thin and limp, and it just didn't want to grow! I bought Perfectil from Boots in a desperate bid to do something, anything! to make my hair grow back. After i finished the packet i switched to the Lloyds Pharmacy's own brand, as it is exactly the same but for a fraction of the price. 

It is free from sugar, gluten and yeast, and has no artificial colours or preservatives. It contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals such as vitamins D, E, C and B6, folic acid, iron, Biotin and Grape extract. These can be found if you eat a good, healthy balanced diet, but sometimes we all need a bit of extra help when we've had a bit too much junk to eat!

You swallow one tablet a day, preferably after a meal and you are meant to use it for three months. I used it for about four months before having a break and i am now using it again. I have seen a major difference in my hair, but I'm not sure if it is just the tablets alone as i have been really looking after myself properly with efficient exercise, massages, regular hair cuts, good hair products and tonics, you name it, I've tried it! 

As for my nails and skin go, i haven't seen a major difference in my skin as I've always had a pretty much clear complexion, and i haven't really seen a difference in my nails either, as they have always grown well but tear easily.

If there are any good supplements for hair, skin and nails that you've tried, please comment below, as i am willing to try anything.

Boots essentials Curl Creme - 250mls

My hair is naturally curly and since it became thin, i have tried to stay clear of hairdryers, hairbrushes and straighteners in a bid to get it back to its natural strength and length. Curl Creme is my absolute favourite hair product and i have been using it for over a year, but i thought i would share this with you because, as its been summer, I've had naturally curly hair everyday for this month.

My friend recommended this to me after i moaned and moaned about my curly hair being completely out of hand and frizzy. She loved it so much she even gave me a sample in a cup and told me to use it! I have never looked back since! For £1.32 (thats right £1.32!!) it is the cheapest hair product I've ever used that is absolutely amazing and works wonderfully for me.

The directions are to use on damp or dry hair and work through evenly from root to tip. But what i do is after i wash my hair, i wait for twenty minutes or so (in the phase that its still wet but just about starting to dry) and i take a tinyyy, smaller than a pea size amount in my hand, mix it with water until it becomes white and "scrunch" it at the roots. I then repeat once, or twice the most and then maybe a touch up after it is dry. The pot lasts me around 8 months to a year, with the best before end being 24 months, even after using it every couple days, i think that's pretty darn good don't you?

 I will post a picture of how my hair looks with Curl Creme soon.

I only use this much at a time!!
Holland and Barratt Green Tea Extract - 100 capsules
I bought the Green Tea Extract pills a couple years ago after deciding i wanted something to aid me in weight loss. I was drinking green tea too but sometimes i didn't have the time/ couldn't be bothered to make green tea so i optioned for this easier option instead.

The directions state: take one capsule daily, preferably as a meal or may be taken as a tea by opening capsule into a cup, then adding hot water. I prefer to take my vitamins at night before bed so i take this at bedtime too so i won't forget. It contains caffeine but not as much as coffee or to keep you up if you take it at night.

Why is Green Tea good for you?
Green tea contains the powerful anti oxidant catechin polyphenols, which kills the growth of cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It can be used as a lotion to help with acne or if drank will help with uneven skin and spots. It also boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol, gives you energy, aids in weight loss and can even help fight tooth decay!

I highly recommend anyone who hasn't tried green tea to please try it, it is so delicious and after writing this blog i am going to go and make one now! 

The capsule is quite big and I'm a big baby when it comes to swallowing tablets, so if i can do it anyone can!

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