Wednesday 26 October 2011

Sophia's Halloween preparations!!

I LOVEEEE Halloween! I like dressing up and doing freaky make up. I've been a witch, vampire and zombie. So this year my friends and I are going as dead doctors and nurses!! This year i've decided to go full on with the make up and bought liquid latex, moulding putty and lots of blood!
For my nails I was gong to do red with black crackle but then I remembered the dripping style nail art, so I think my nails will look like this:
My first try!
As for scars, blood and bruises im going to use, liquid latex and toilet paper, putty, stage blood and make up. I've practiced on myself, the boyf and my mum:
ewwwww lol
The bruise  is just eyeshadow from my ebay 88 palette. For the manky cut i did 2 layers of liquid latex, layer on toilet roll, another layer of latex and when its dry you just cut a hole/line in the latex/tissue. Then add purples,reds and brown colours so it looks sore. For the blood I hadnt bought any stage blood yet so I used coffee, syrup and ribeana lol

Ben nye scar wax
My hand and cheek
For these scars I put two layers of latex, once dried applied a thin layer of spirit gum, when tacky get a butter knife and spread a small bit of wax on to my skin blending the edges, then get the knife again and make the cut/slit/wound. I then put one more layer of latex and then apply the make up and blood!
My mum wanted to join in lol
For the main outfits the boys have ordered medical scrubs from For us girls I ordered this nurse outfit. Both outfits are going to be covered in blood and dirt. I had to alter the hat that came with the dress because it was massive and wouldnt stay on my head.
L-R Old hat, New hat. All you need is a plastic headband, scissors and sewing kit
I also bought a stethoscope, medical masks and white fishnet tights just for the finishing touch. Ill do another post with pictures of the full outfit after saturday. WOOOO!!

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